PEW Survey: "The Daily Show" Watchers More Knowledgeable

PEW Survey finds that American watchers of "The Daily Show" and "Colbert Report" perform better at such tasks as naming the current Vice President. FOX News watchers were the worst performers.


Wal-Mart, Publix: Happy Customers, Profitable Customers

Wal-Mart is battling against a smaller competitor, one that has very satsified customers.
Publix has ranked number one out of supermarkets on the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, published by the University of Michigan, since it began 14 years ago, whereas Wal-Mart ranks last. Publix employees have a reputation for going out of their way to please customers—testimony to the motivational power of employee ownership, perhaps. Publix employees put your shopping into bags, take it to the car and refuse tips—unless you offer more than once. They own 31% of the firm through an employee share-ownership plan, making Publix the largest employee-owned company in America.
Economist (paid registration required)
So, Publix has satisfied customers, but is is profitable? When it comes to groceries, Publix profits are 40% higher than Wal-Mart's. Return on average equity: Publix 24%, Wal-Mart 21%.

The employee stock plan puts it in the same category as Starbucks, another company with satisfied customers. Good luck, Publix.

GG Genforening

Tid: Lørdag d. 2. juni kl. 16.00

From GG

Kære ex-GG'er,

kom til København og mød dine gamle gymnasiebekendte. I skrivende stund har 10 meldt sig til, mens flere måske kommer.

Dagens program

kl. 16.00 - 19.00 Drinks og snak på Hotel Fox, som ligger på Jarmers Plads 3
kl. 19.15 - 22.00 Spisning på restaurant, nærmere detaljer følger
kl. 22.00 - ? Efter temperament går man videre i byen

Der vil være mulighed for overnatning hos flere lokale. Niels har to sovesofaer der endnu ikke er reserveret.

Hvis du kommer fra Jylland med tog, så påtænk at bestille hos DSB i god tid. Måske er der en Orange-billet.

De bedste hilsner - Tina, Tine, Morten og Niels